Запропонувати виправлення

    Хивренко Марина Анатольевна

    Стаж 38 года  •  Высшая категория




    • 1976 – 1981 гг. - Национальный медицинский университет им А. А. Богомольца.

    Семинары и конференции: 

    • Satisfactory completion of an advanced post-graduate orthodontic course, Adult Treatment;
    • Учебный курс «Rationalised treatment of the Class II malocclusion»;
    • Учебный курс «New orthodontic products of Position Trainers, Trainers for Braces, TMJ appliance»;
    • 4-th World Edgewise Orthodontic Congress;
    • From Theory to Practice. Biomechanics: from basic concepts to segmented orthodontics to straight wire biomechanics;
    • From Theory to Practice.Ideal, evidence,everyday practice. How to identify a complex (or difficult) case ahead of treatment and avoid unforeseen problems;
    • From Theory to Practice. Understanding Biomechanics of Shape Memory Alloys. Optimize your clinical practice/ Use the potential of your self-ligating treatment.
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